Castle Stalker Evening
After arrival at the Hollytree Hotel I met Gary and the rest of the group members. I was particularly pleased to meet Derek and Paul again who both had participated in the workshop on the Isle of Skye in March 2023.
We drove to Castle Stalker which is only a 20 minute drive from Kentallen. It sits on a tiny island in Loch Laich which is an inlet of Loch Linnhe. It was built in 1320 and I was really surprised when Gary told me that the siege scene in Monthy Python´s Holy Grail was partly filmed there! It made me curious when I was back.... so I enclose a few screen shots of my favourite Monty Python film.
They call it Castle AArrrgh.
The evening light wasn´t very good (the film crew was luckier than us) and it was difficult to get good shots. But turned into B&W I think they are quite atmosperic.