Osprey at Derwent Reservoir
Almost every time I spent at the Hide at Derwent Reservoir the Osprey was there. It is however very difficult to get good photographs since both his favourite spots are a bit too far away. The tree at the opposite bank of the Reservoir where he has his lookout and the old tree stump on which he often sits are okay to watch him through the binoculars but for the camera they are too far. For the photos below I was extremely lucky. When I arrived he sat on one of the fence posts near the Hide and was tearing away at a fish he caught. When only the head and a bit of skin was left the crows molested him and he took off and flew to the old tree trunk. Just great to watch him.
Here is an update :)
Finally the Osprey motivated me to buy a Telescope on which I can attach my small Sony camera. The fifth photo is from the first try. It is not cristall sharp but considering the long distance I am quite happy. (I think he can cleary see me :)
The last photo of the osprey was taken on another day with the 2.0 teleconverter on the 600 mm Tamron with the D850 camera which gives it a 1200 mm focal length. The Autofocus does not work well in that combination but because the bird was sitting quite still I could focus manually and it is quite ok.