Rutter Force and the Mill
In Helen Shaw´s book is also a fantastic shot of High Cup Nick from a distance. I figured out on the map where roughly the photo was taken. Later on the first day we did our first journey to find the spot. You can see the results in the Chapter "High Cup Nick from a distance". On our way back we drove to Rutter Force. There is a very small layby just next to the footbridge from which the first photo is taken. Unfortunately the walk described in Vivian Crow´s book was far too muddy to continue on that day. I came back to Rutter Force another day when these photos were taken. Underneath the footbridge is a ford for cars. While we were there three motorcylces came down the small road and the first one went across but crashed on the slippery stones. It was difficult to salvage the heavy motorcyle. Fortunately the guy wasn´t hurt.