Picnic at Romaldkirk and the search for the Fairy Cupboard
A well deserved rest at the village green in Romaldkirk after the climb to Kirkcarrion in the morning and the walk along Huddeshope Beck.
The village green made some post card scenery photos possible. From there I made my way down to the riverside past the abandoned farm at Lowgarth (photo #10). It is part of the long distance Teesdale Walk. In the book (see photo #11) the "Fairy cupboards" are mentioned. The book is really excellent with detailed walk descriptions for the various stages of the long distance walk along the Tees and I managed to find a lot of attractions through the book that I had not heard about before such as Rutherford Bridge. However I was trying to find Fairy Cupboards but unfortunately was not successful. It was also very difficult to get down to the riverside from anywhere along the walk. I asked walkers who came towards me but they had not come across anything like the Fairy cupboards. So I finally decided to turn back but definitely the Fairy Cupboards are on the To Do list for the next visit to Teesdale. I enclose a photo of the Fairy Cupboards that I managed to find on the Internet.