Dawn Shoot Lagangarbh Hut
It was strange to go for the dawn shoot on my own seeing Gary´s Van in the parking lot of the Hotel. But I was off nice and early. It was bitterly cold however and I arrived at my target nice and early. I decided to set up my tripod on a little mound above the river because it would not work to use the river as a leading line since it was covered in thick snow and the reflexion on the little opening in the river was in better view from up there. While I waited for the sunrise I started to regret that decision since the wind picked up and it became almost unbearably cold. I covered the camera on the tripod with a neopren lens bag and took cover at the bottom of the mound away from the wind. When the sunrise came luckily a couple of clouds moved in and I really enjoyed taking the shots. Take your pick :)
After a last shot from the roadside with the tele-lens back to the Hotel for a well deserved breakfast.
Well not so fast... When I arrived back at Loch Linnhe the sun had risen further and was lighting up the mountains. So I had another stop for a few shots.