Wheatear - Steinschmätzer
It finally stopped raining in the afternoon and I drove up to the Stanhope Moor. Underneath the road from Baybridge to Stanhope is an abandoned farm which I wanted to scout as a motive for sunrise. On my way back towards Stanhope I wanted to let a car pass and pulled into a layby. I saw a bird in the distance and got my camera out. The shots were not so good because he was quite far away (photo 1) . I just wanted to go back to the car when he came flying towards me and sat on a rock only a few yards away (pictures 2 - 5) and even found something to eat. He flew a bit further onto a fence post where I took another series of shots until he took off.
When I later looked him up in my bird book it said that his call is like to pebbles being smacked together. Interesting because the German name is literally translated "Stone Smacker". But it could also come from the fact that they like to be around rocky terrain.