Nose´s Point Seaham
I signed up for a guided walk with Durham Wildlife Trust at Hawthorn Dene near Seaham. I went early and wanted to start the day with the sunrise at nearby Nose´s Point and Blast Beach. Until 1993 it was heavily polluted by tons of coal waste from the local colliery where once over more than 3.000 people worked! Now it´s been cleaned up and its colours are fantastic. However I arrived late at the parking lot above the cliffs just when the sun started to rise. No time to scout and set up my camera properly on a tripod as was the original plan.
Racing down the steep descent to the beach with only my camera in hand, I vaguely remembered the warnings on the walk descriptions of the dangerous descend.... I spent almost two hours at the beach enjoying the scenery. The shots from within the cave were extremely lucky since the tide was out. The amazing variety of the stones was great. I will make a collage from the pictures I took. Here are just a few samples. The last photo was taken from the top of the cliffs above the caves before I left. 10 seconds later it started raining. Lucky me!