Janet´s Foss - Gordale Scar - Malham Cove

A long drive from Pateley Bridge towards Malham. We parked at Gordale Bridge. From there Janet´s Foss is only a few hundred yards away. The falls are named after Janet, the fairy queen, who was thought to live in a cave behind the falls. Foss is an old word for waterfall.

From Goredale Bridge it is not very far to Gordale Scar. The huge gorge was created by meltwater from glaciers in the last ice age with cliffs 100 metres high. To continue the walk from the foot of the gorge you have to climb up the left hand side of the waterfall which was too risky for us. On one of the photos you can see a walker climbing up next to the waterfall! We turned around and had our picnic at Goredale Bridge plus tasty coffees from the van parked alongsinde the bridge. 

Refreshed we walket to Malham Cove with beautiful scenery on the way.

Malham Cove is a huge curved limestone cliff around 80 metres high and 300 metres wide with an expanse of limestone pavement at the top. It used to have a waterfall flowing over it in the last ice age. The water now disappears some way behind the cliff and reappears from the underground caves at the bottom, forming Malham Beck.

Frank climbed down to take photos. Rosalind and Amy stayed on top of the cliffs. Amy waited anxiously for Frank to return..... 

One of the many recommendations from the Book "The Photographer´s guide to the Yorkshire Dales" which otherwise we would have surely missed is "The Lone Tree" in the area known as Malham Lings. The limestone pavement is only small but the lone ash tree is fantastic to see. As you can see from the photo taken from the road side, without the hint from the book, you would simply drive past it.

A little bit further we took a short walk to Malham Tarn which is to the north of Malham. 

At the end of a long but perfect day we had a very nice meal at "The Buck Inn" at Malham and returned to Pateley Bridge in the evening.