Salmon leaping
I was taking photographs of the waterfall at Cowshill. The camera was sitting on the tripod and I was doing long exposures. At first I thought I have to do that shot again because a bird flew through the picture. Than I noticed it was a Salmon leaping! Unfortunately I only had the 35 mm lens with me. I took it off the tripod, changed the settings to 1/2000 sec with AutoISO and f4,0 and put on rapid fire. I was taking several series of attempts and altogether almost 100 shots. These are the best ones. The first two with the total width. Then two series of attempts to get up the waterfall (one with 5 shots and one with 4 shots). Sometimes he was jumping behind the curtain of water. It was really fantastic to watch. Unbelievable that he was trying to get up this really high waterfall. I went there again three times in the next few days with my zoom lens but it was a one off. The last one is heavily cropped and shows the marking quite well. I am not an expert and do not really know if it is a salmon or a sea trout. Having checked more photos on the internet of both fish I think it is a sea trout. I also showed Ros the waterfall after she came and joined but never saw the fish leaping again. Small consolation was the lone duck and quite a nice shot of the waterfall from further downstream.