Autumn Colours
The idea to make a quilt comes from Niall Benvie. A photographer with fantastic creativity whom I greatly admire. He sets up the camera in the field and takes 8 photos by turning the lens for 45degrees every time. He creates the final image by exposure blending within the camera. Since my camera only produces a JPG as final image in the exposure blending I had the idea to take just one photo, create 8 layers in photoshop by turning the original for 45degrees every time and than give the command to blend the layers with the same function that is used for focus stacking.
To create the quilt I used an empty canvass of 60x90 cm in photoshop and used the Frame Tool to create place holders for the images with a size of 15x15cm each. Niall Benvie is right. The more chaotic the image the better. So taking the photographs was not the usual challenge of composing and arranging the camera. It was just taking in the scenery of the autumn forest. It was great fun and I will surely do some more quilts. Hope you enjoy.
The Raw Material
Most of the photos were taken on a walk near Brühl in typical autumn weather. Some samples you can see here. Photo number one with the lone red leaf is the one that forms the border of the quilt.