Barnard Castle from Towler Hill
I parked the car at the small car park at Deepdale Wood on the outskirts of Barnard Castle and walked up towards Towler Hill. I wasn´t quite sure were to head for to have the view towards Barnard Castle which features in one of Turner´s paintings of the area (Photo #4)
I didn´t notice the place where the former railway track crosses the small road leading uphill and went as far as the farm building at the top of the hill without finding any viewpoint. I made my way back across some meadows and through a wooded area until I finally found the remains of the pillar that once over supported the railway bridge. From there you have the view down towards Barnard Castle which by now looks quite different from the painting. On photo #2 you can see the remains of the pillar on the other side of the valley. It was quite scarry to climb around on the pillar but the view from there is spectacular. I followed the former railway track on the way back and came back to the road finally realising that I made a huge detour on the way up.
After I returned I took a photo from the bridge that crosses the Tees at the car park (Photo #6). The painting on photo #7 has a similar angle.